Ok....so here I am again, not feeling comfortable about all of these changes I'm supposed to be making for Pierce. I just met a woman with 3 kids at lunch and we got into talking about how we don't sleep much. Her youngest is a year old. I said, "my son is almost 16 months and I'm still not sleeping much either." She said, "I just can't let her cry." Well, I'm with you sister. I can't either and that has been my problem. I know so many people do the various sleep training methods out there and I know they work for them. They have babies sleeping through the night in their own rooms at 2 months old. They are sleeping and well rested for the adventures to come the next day. I have to tell you that I am not complaining. I feel that my son will not be this young forever, he will not need me this way forever, and I will be sleeping all night for the rest of my life again soon. I am watching him grow so fast before my eyes and I look at the big picture and savor these moments and these times with him and know that it will all work out just fine. The only things that ever make me doubt myself are the comments made by other people. When Pierce was born I was bombarded with opinions and I actually sometimes doubted my choices and myself. That was very uncomfortable because my instincts were so strong and so natural and coming from a place of PURE LOVE. I finally realized that I had to trust myself and I no longer doubted my mothering style or my choices and our family was much happier once I realized this. I have not let people affect my decisions or choices in my mothering style since. This plan to adjust the sleeping situation is on hold at the moment because my husband is having a hard time doing it also. So for now, we will do the best we can and continue to love each other and love our son. My morning sickness is getting better and my belly has popped. I do love being pregnant and I love being a mom. These times are going by too fast already. I will never say I didn't enjoy or appreciate every moment and my son will never say he wasn't loved. That's what matters to me. Goodnight all and I love hearing from you.
Sandy Frankfort
LoveWrap - Wrap Your Baby With Love
LoveWrap - Wrap Your Baby With Love